comune Marsala gruppo folkloristico i Picciotti di Matarò logo gruppo folkloristico
243390 visits since March 18 2010


Gran Canaria 2014

3^ Rassegna del Folklore Siciliano

4^ "Saperi e Sapori di.....MATAROCCO"- Festival Int. del Folklore

Mandorlo in Fiore 2012

"XXIV International Folk Festival" - Pisek - CZECH REPUBLIC

from August 15 up to August 19 2018
I Picciotti di Matarò
represented Italy at the "XXIV International Folk Festival" which took place in Pisek - CZECH REPUBLIC


Federation of Italian Folk Associations

Zicaffè official sponsor of the group

   members of the Folk Group

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Massimo Gabriele
Artistic Manager
Francesco Di Bernardo (friscalettu (whistle)-soloist)
Michela Maltese (soloist)
Musical Managers
Antony Culicchia (tambourine)
Christian Gabriele (tambourine)
Francesco Genna (accordions)
Ignazio Lombardo (accordions)
Ivan Gabriele (tambourine – marranzanu)
Leonardo Gancitano (bummulo – marranzanu)
Roberto Piccione Pipitone (accordions - friscalettu (whistle))
Valentina Mangiaracina (guitar)
Vincenzo Piccione Pipitone (drum)
Vito Pipitone (accordions)
Andreas Di Gregorio
Antonella Nuccio
Antonietta Bonomo
Antonino Bilello
Aurora Rosolia
Chiara De Pasquale
Edoardo Chirco
Elisa Seifert
Elisabetta Chirco
Emanuela Piccione Pipitone
Emanuele Catalano
Emanuele Montalto
Francesca Culicchia
Francesco Chirco
Gessica Marino
Giacomo Danubio
Giuseppe Frazzitta
Giuseppe Bilello
Giuseppe Catalano
Giuseppe Gandolfo
Giuseppe Mandalà
Margaret Badalucco
Marianna Gerardi
Marica Bellomo
Marika Mulè
Maura Brugnone
Miriana Angileri
Monica Galfano
Nicola Genna
Noemi Marino
Roberta Scarpitta
Rosamaria Pipitone
Rossella Marino
Samuela Mulè
Samuele Martinez
Stefano Rosolia
Valerio Mortellaro

The group is in the National Register of entities that collaborate with the Section CIOFF® ITALIA

The Group

3rd International Folk Festival 2018
Our passion for thr Folklore together with the big and ancient Sicilian tradition has led us with so much pride and enthusiasm to organize the 3rd International Folk Festival of the city of Marsala

    The International Folkl Group of the ancient Sicilian traditions "I Picciotti di Matarò" is a non-profit folk and cultural association born during the Review of the Sicilian Folklore combined with the Feast "SAPERI E Sapori di.…. MATAROCCO", of which they have been the inventors and organizers. The band represents Italy in numerous International Festivals always getting great consents and applauses.

    "I Picciotti" are forty-one artists, divided in choirists, ballet dancers and musicians, all joined by the same passion for the Sicilian culture that not only joined for practicing an experience matured through the years in other folklorist groups of our territory, but above all to divulge the popular traditions of the Sicilian land through songs, dances, musics, revived by the many coloured colours of the nineteenth-century customes of the "Rich Burgisi".

     The group brings ahead with passion and enthusiasm the millennial traditions of our Sicily.

     The repertoire of songs and dances of the association, that derive from the works of several authors like Favara, Pitrè, Salomone, Marino is taken care of by the same founders of the group. Our Chairman Massimo GabrieleAll the songs of popular tradition reflect moments of country life made of love, joy and hard work.

    Among the most known Sicilian dances proposed by the Picciotti can be cited the "Tarantella", moreover the marsalesis can recognize a typical dance of the city: the "Jolla", the very particular "Ballo del Chiodo" and the "Contradanza", dance based on the French footstep that was danced during the nuptial parties, during which figurations, commanded by the "foreman" are performed.

    The Group is affiliated to the Federation of the Italian Folkloric Associations FAFIT.

History and origins of the name "I PICCIOTTI DI MATARO'"

    The folk group "i picciotti di Matarò" takes the name after a little town leaned on a little hill posted behind the city of MARSALA, that is called Matarocco. It's a cloud of thick little houses tied together from a little tortuous street that matches with the old buildings. Some houses are over three hundred years old.
    Zone dense of history, it's known for the high density of landowners. There is a plaza that is joint around a votive niche "Fiureddra" representing the Madonna of Trapani.
    Constructed around the early years of '800, the "Fiureddra" is overlap by a majolica reproducing San Francesco di Paola, in memory of a wreck failure of a resident of the place. Here many years ago was a well where a little shepherd fell in and died. The family in his memory wanted to construct this votive niche to make him forever woken from the Madonna. From a mournful event, it's born a religion traditions, lasting from year to year till today.
    Every year on the 15th of august, feast of the Assumption here, they used to make a "fuggegia" a bonfire, and the adults with sicilian cart turned around and throw money on the ground and the children picking them up and clap their hands in honor of the Madonna of Trapani with wakes of prayer and songs. In Marsala there is a seasoning made of tomato, garlic, basil and oil named matarocco. That's how the feast is born combined with the sicilian folklore festival that the group "I picciotti di Matarò organizes since 2008.
    About the origin of the Matarocco, the hypothesis are those that in the period of eight hundred the Spanish domino prevailed, in fact there is a city in Spain named Matarò.
